In case you missed it,
The Friendly Atheist, a well-read blog written by Hemant Mehta, author of I Sold My Soul on Ebay recently posted a video on his blog asking whether it makes sense to be a pro-life atheist. Great discussion has ensued, both on his blog post and in the youtube channel, and I’d encourage those of you who like to discuss and engage your fellow atheists to join in the discussion.
Do keep following The Friendly Atheist, since he is a friendly atheist indeed. Yours truly has just been invited to guest-blog the reasons why we believe it makes sense to be a pro-life atheist. I’ll keep everyone posted once it’s published, as this is a grand opportunity indeed. Even if it is, as Hermant so eloquently put it: “like asking you to step in front of a firing squad.” 🙂
– Kristine Kruszelnicki
Good luck.
Thought that piece on TFA was very fine; in particular, the careful Q & A style of analysis. Very nice statement of counterarguments to understand.
Inspired me to my own contribution; hope it makes the grade:
Very well written! I’m surprised I haven’t seen your stuff before. I’m going to share your piece at the Pro-Life Humanists Facebook page, as well as link to it from the blog when I compile all the responses I’ve gotten to TFA post.
I loved the part about Us vs Them. I mentioned that a bit in my own piece. The idea that we’ve evolved so much in a 100 years or even 60 years that we are immune to such brutal injustice and discrimination. Check out the photos on the website and see #28 as an example. People lynched blacks, posed with them, and collected mementos. That wasn’t all that long ago in human history. The capacity to be that wrong and to commit that kind of violence hasn’t magically been wiped from our genes. That’s the product of faulty group-think that humans would ever be capable of justifying that kind of brutality.
I also love your response to the BA argument about “no person having a right to invade…” totally bang on! It’s precisely because they are younger and more dependent that the youngest of humans need more protection and privilege, not less.
I’d love to connect. Feel free to email me kristine…at… 🙂