Posted by on Feb 29, 2016 in Pro-Life Humanists - Updates | 1 comment

Raffle Ticket - Pro-Life Humanists 50/50

To celebrate the day which comes but once every four years, Pro-Life Humanists is holding a 50/50 draw! Better still, WE’RE HOLDING TWO DRAWS!!   One for 50% of the raffle funds, and one for a pro-life movie!

Simply select below to decide how many tickets you’d like to purchase. $5.00 will get you in the draw with three chances to win. For $10.00 you’ll get even better value with ten chances to win. And for $25.00 you’ll get a zippy THIRTY chances to win half of all the funds this raffle brings in!!

In lieu of paper stubs, once you’ve bought your tickets you will get a confirmation email with a picture of the tickets we’re putting into the raffle bowl on your behalf. On raffle day (March 7th, 2016), one 50/50 ticket will be selected from the bowl by a blindfolded individual (filmed for your viewing pleasure) and the ticket displayed on the blog and FB page. Match up the ticket to the ones in your pictures and 50% of the collected funds will be sent to you – yours to spend, gift or enjoy as you please!

And as I said, we’re holding TWO DRAWS just to make it even more exciting and increase your chances of winning. Anyone who buys at least $10 in tickets will be entered into a second draw to win a copy of your choice of pro-life movie (Juno, Precious or October Baby)

Funds raised go to the educational pro-life outreach work of Pro-Life Humanists.  Thank you for helping us reach pro-choice secularists and change many minds!

Deadline for purchasing tickets is Sunday March 6th, Midnight Pacific Time.

Select Your Chances:

Make check out to Pro-Life Humanists
541 Parker Street
Gatineau, Quebec
J9H 4S3

Raffle Tickets 50/50 Draw Pro-Life Humanists