To celebrate the day which comes but once every four years, Pro-Life Humanists is holding a 50/50 draw! Better still, WE’RE HOLDING TWO DRAWS!! One for 50% of the raffle funds, and one for a pro-life movie!
Simply select below to decide how many tickets you’d like to purchase. $5.00 will get you in the draw with three chances to win. For $10.00 you’ll get even better value with ten chances to win. And for $25.00 you’ll get a zippy THIRTY chances to win half of all the funds this raffle brings in!!
In lieu of paper stubs, once you’ve bought your tickets you will get a confirmation email with a picture of the tickets we’re putting into the raffle bowl on your behalf. On raffle day (March 7th, 2016), one 50/50 ticket will be selected from the bowl by a blindfolded individual (filmed for your viewing pleasure) and the ticket displayed on the blog and FB page. Match up the ticket to the ones in your pictures and 50% of the collected funds will be sent to you – yours to spend, gift or enjoy as you please!
And as I said, we’re holding TWO DRAWS just to make it even more exciting and increase your chances of winning. Anyone who buys at least $10 in tickets will be entered into a second draw to win a copy of your choice of pro-life movie (Juno, Precious or October Baby)
Funds raised go to the educational pro-life outreach work of Pro-Life Humanists. Thank you for helping us reach pro-choice secularists and change many minds!
Deadline for purchasing tickets is Sunday March 6th, Midnight Pacific Time.
Make check out to Pro-Life Humanists
541 Parker Street
Gatineau, Quebec
J9H 4S3
I like and appreciate “Juno,” “Knocked Up” and other movies that show protagonists who decide to grant their unborn the same right to a future they demand for themselves. But I wouldn’t call those two “pro-life” in that they never addressed the question of whether the mothers have or should have an obligation to let their babies live — which is what the right to life movement is all about. Maybe there is a difference between “pro-life” and “right to life.”
Since I didn’t see “October Baby” or “Precious” yet, I probably shouldn’t say that Hollywood will never produce a popular “right to life” movie; but I suspect secular right-to-lifers need to get into movie making if we want our existence to be even recognized by many viewers.
If network TV and major movie studios are not interested in
presenting secular right-to-life characters and their reasons for being right-to-life we should note that the internet provides the opportunity to do it ourselves via web series. I’d like to know if anyone knows of people who are writing screenplays and producing videos that attempt to fill this need.