Dear pro-choicers: A tomato is not an argument. Running down the street screaming “pro-choice! pro-choice!” and pelting pro-lifers and pro-life signs with mushy fruit does not make your case that a fetus is not a member of the human species worthy of protection.
It does, however, put stains onto the brand-new, not even fully completed, sign we were making with not-so-cheap colourful fabric. It’s also an act of destructive violence. But that kind of seems to be par for the course when it comes to abortion.
Sorry you couldn’t stop to chat with us. As a group of atheists and humanists joined by a queer (lesbian & trans) pro-life couple, we were probably some of the nicest most open-minded pro-lifers you could’ve interacted with at the March for Life. Thanks for the extra laundry while I’m hobbling around on a broken foot. Hopefully we can have real dialog at some point in the future.
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