Pro-Life Humanists

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“God Loves Uganda” – When Pro-Life births Homophobia

“God Loves Uganda” – When Pro-Life births Homophobia

Posted by on Dec 3, 2013 in GLBT | 5 comments

God loves Uganda?   Not if you’re a Ugandan homosexual.   At least that’s the message that well-meaning but misguided Christian fundamentalist missionaries are unwittingly bringing to Africa.  In Uganda, a bill is currently being considered in parliament that will ban homosexuality – with the death penalty as punishment for “repeat offenders”.    Sadly, it’s our otherwise pro-life allies who are amongst the religious groups sending these missionaries, the unintentional carriers of a “pro-family” Christian message being taken to deadly extremes.

God Love Uganda is a new and multiple-award-winning documentary that takes a balanced look at recent outpouring of missionary efforts in Uganda, and examines why “traditional family” and gospel messages that are often rejected in North America are finding such fertile ground in developing countries.   The documentary showcases Charismatic Christian leaders and youth from the International House of Prayer, including the well-known Lou Engle, whose projects The Call and Bound4life have played a significant role amongst Charismatic Christians by stirring many “pro-life in name only” Christians to becoming more active in speaking out against abortion.   As the struggling Ugandan economy welcomes the onslaught of help from the rich and the white, Christian fundamentalists from America are finding a ripe and willing audience that is hungry for change and vulnerable to messages that are largely ignored or kept in check in the developed world.   Without adequate and democratic safeguards to equality and freedom for all, efforts to “reclaim the national for Jesus” have led to mob attacks, including the bludgeoning death of gay rights activist David Kato , leader of SMUG – Sexual Minorities of Uganda.

This eight minute Op-Doc, entitled “Gospel of Intolerance” was created by the film’s producers for the New York Times, and provides a succinct summary of the film and the issues therein:

As Humanists and as pro-lifers, I believe that this is something we can’t afford to overlook.  Most, if not all of us, oppose the death penalty – and how much more so when the death penalty is being considered against real human beings for no other reason than their sexual orientation!   As pro-lifers we tend to speak largely on the issue of abortion, and rightly so since the unborn are a people group with no rights and who are being discriminated against and killed for reasons outside of their control.   But as a Humanist I can’t help but feel the same degree of rage and concern when any human being is targeted just for who or what they naturally are!

In the words of the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians:

“None of us is truly free until all of us are free, with all our rights intact and guaranteed, including the basic right to live without threat or harassment. And that’s why we’re Pro-Life. Just like homophobia, abortion tries to get rid of real human beings who are considered threatening or undesirable. Just like homophobia, abortion denies one’s place as a member of human society, and even one’s right to be alive in it.”

What is true of the unborn is true of Ugandan homosexuals right now (as well as a number of other countries around the world where homosexuality still faces the death penalty). We may not have the time and energy to fight every battle, but it doesn’t cost us much to lend a voice of support and concern to those fighting for their lives and freedoms. Having seen God Love Uganda, my encouragement is that you get more informed about this global crisis and human rights violation. Attend a screening of the film if it’s playing in your city, or make an effort to rent it or bring it to your library when it comes to DVD. You can also follow @godlovesuganda and @SMUG2004 on Twitter and FB.

All human lives should be regarded as valuable, regardless of where we are and how we live. We’re all part of the same family – let’s live and love like that’s true. Violence is never a good response to human differences!

– Kristine Kruszelnicki

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May the Fetus we Save be Gay

May the Fetus we Save be Gay

Posted by on Aug 27, 2013 in Featured posts, GLBT | 1 comment
May the fetus you save be gay” The pro-choice slogan is oft used as a slight against pro-lifers, many of whom oppose both abortion and gay marriage on religious grounds. After all, the reasoning goes, it would serve you right if a fetus you save from abortion grows up to be gay. Would you wish he’d been aborted then? Would you still fight for his rights?

I can’t speak for all pro-lifers, but as an atheist and a Humanist, fighting for the rights and the lives of all humans is my default setting. A just society can only be called just if it truly respects and behaves fairly to all human beings. All human beings – regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, size, appearance, physical and mental capacities, religious or political affiliation, marital or relational status, level of education, sexual orientation, or any other number of differences that may exist between human beings. Any human being is just as worthy of his or her life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness as any other human being. As a general principle, only when one’s actions threaten or harm another human being should one’s choices or freedoms be curbed.

And that’s why I’m both pro-life and pro-gay. That’s also why I marched in Ottawa’s Capital Pride parade yesterday holding the following banner:



While in no way intended to suggest that a straight fetus would be inferior to a gay fetus, I was pleased to perform a flipperoo on the pro-choice slogan by turning it into a positive pro-gay and pro-life statement. “May the fetus you save be gay”? Ok, sure! May the fetus we save be gay indeed! (Or straight, Down’s Syndrome, intersexed… – we’ll love them all!)

After standing for the length of the parade on the sideline (with my arms losing circulation) in order to make my sign visible to parade marchers and hand out PLAGAL pamphlets to anyone expressing enthusiasm for the sign, my PLH comrade and I hopped in behind the political banners near the end of the parade stream, and danced, shimmied, and cheered our way past a surprisingly receptive crowd. A small handful of boo’s and the angry fist-raised hollerings of one woman (who kept driving past me in her wheelchair at the post-parade celebration, screaming “PROOO-CHOOOIIIICCCEEE!!! PROOO-CHOOOIIIICCCEEE!!!“) were easily outnumbered by the endless paparazzi of photographers and cheers.  Our 75 pamphlets vanished within the first couple blocks (we want to come back next year with at least 1000!) but we happily had enough for the ladies who shouted “THANK YOU!  – THANK YOU SO MUCH!” as we passed by, and for the group who went nuts dancing and clapping “YEAH!! YEAH!! PRO-LIFE!!!“. Hopefully we’ll be hearing from them.

Pro-life GLBT aren’t the norm, but just as there are more pro-life atheists than one might expect to find (an American Gallup poll found 19% of non-religious adults identify as pro-life) so too do homosexuals span a wide berth of political views, including diverse views on abortion. Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians count 800 in their current membership.

So why should GLBT be pro-life? I’ll let PLAGAL speak to that in their own words. The following summary is a series of my favourite quotes that I’ve pulled from a handful of their brochures – all of which I recommend in their entirety.

“Of all Americans, those of us in the sexual minority community have the most reason to be concerned about protecting human life. After all, we know what it is to have our lives and rights trampled on, especially the basic human right just to keep on living.” ~ 3

“None of us is truly free until all of us are free, with all our rights intact and guaranteed, including the basic right to live without threat or harassment. And that’s why we’re Pro-Life. Just like homophobia, abortion tries to get rid of real human beings who are considered threatening or undesirable. Just like homophobia, abortion denies one’s place as a member of human society, and even one’s right to be alive in it.” ~ 1

“America’s abortion on demand policy… says that some lives can be exterminated at will; birth is a privilege reserved for those deemed eligible. While that policy exists, neither gays nor lesbians — nor, for that matter, the disabled, the elderly, the terminally ill, or any other class of human beings who may be considered ‘expendable’ — are safe.” ~ 2

“If, as recent scientific discoveries suggest, homosexuality has a genetic basis, the day is not far off when doctors will be able to determine if a child in the womb is predisposed to be gay. Once medical science achieves that ability, it will be possible to do by legal, surgical procedure what all the homophobes and gay-bashers throughout history have tried and failed to do — to eliminate lesbians and gays once and for all.” ~ 2

“Today, under the guise of choice, some children are aborted simply because they are the “wrong” sex. What chance would unborn children have of being spared from abortion if they’re deemed to have the wrong sexual orientation?” ~ 4

“…When sexual orientation becomes grounds for abortions, it is difficult to argue that a fetus is not human. If we exterminate a fetus because of his or her intrinsic nature, we are acknowledging that that fetus has the qualities of a unique human being.” ~ 2

“As gay men and lesbian women, we say that all human life deserves dignity and respect. No human life should be considered expendable and the basic right to live should be guaranteed without threat or harassment. That includes the unborn, a voiceless minority with no defense against the worst of all abuses: death.”  ~ 3

“The freedom for each of us to dispose of our bodies as we see fit does not give us the freedom to dispose of someone else’s body. No one has the right to decide for others whether they will live or die. Each human life is its own justification for being.” ~ 2

“A society which offers the deaths of their children as an acceptable choice doesn’t place much value on human life, period — women’s lives included. Pro-Life lesbians and gay men work for a society where human life is better valued than it is today. Everyone’s life. Where each person is guaranteed the human rights that belong to us all, whether we are female, male, gay, straight, white, people of color, post born or pre-born. We work for real choices for women so that they do not feel that abortion is their only alternative.” ~ 1

“PLAGAL is committed to the concept that people can live together in peace regardless of sexuality, without hate, without fear. We seek a world where a woman’s right to control her body is not pitted against her child’s right to exist. We support a compassionate society where both can live.” ~ 4

“Why must we speak for unborn people? Simply because they are people. To be pro-life and pro-gay is to affirm that human rights are not discretionary.”  ~ 3

1: Victims: Lesbians, Gays… and the Unborn
2: Abortion: Another Name for Gay Bashing?
3: Under the Rainbow Flag
4: Human Rights Start When Human Life Begins

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ProLife Gays and Lesbians

ProLife Gays and Lesbians

Posted by on May 8, 2013 in Dear Theists, GLBT | 4 comments

My dear pro-life friends,

On the eve of Canada’s annual March for Life, the event commemorating May 14th 1969 when abortion first became legal in Canada, the brilliant but often offensive comedian George Carlin  comes to mind.   Every year I listen to members of parliament and prominent pro-life speakers stand at the podium and declare the pro-life movement’s intent to not only bring abortion to an end, but also to “bring this country back to God” and worse still “to restore the traditional meaning of marriage as one man and one woman”.    The mixing of issues grated on me even when I was a theist and now that I’m an atheist it does so even more.

Carlin had this to say about pro-lifers, in his comedy piece on abortion:
“Catholics and other Christians are against abortions, and they’re against homosexuals. Well who has less abortions than homosexuals?! Leave these fucking people alone, for Christ sakes! Here is an entire class of people guaranteed never to have an abortion!  And the Catholics and Christians are just tossing them aside! You’d think they’d make natural allies.”

While Carlin’s entire Back in Town track entitled “Abortion is brimming with fallacious arguments, on this point I believe he hit the bull’s eye!    I personally know pro-life atheists and theists who will no longer come to the pro-life events because they felt entirely demonized by pro-life speakers on account of their homosexuality or bisexuality.    Individuals who would happily advocate to save children from prenatal discrimination and death are being told both subtly and overtly that they are really not welcome to participate in the movement just the way they are.

As a pro-life atheist I have faced similar discrimination repeatedly.   It so happens I have a will of steel, but I sympathize with those who don’t have the resolve to subject themselves to a brood of evangelists thirsty for souls to change and purify.   Attending the March for Life last year with a sign that read “This is what an Atheist Pro-gay, Pro-life Feminist looks like“.   I found myself on several occasions being literally swarmed with priests and other Catholics who wanted to debate me and point out “the absurd and  impossibly anti-life philosophy of claiming to be both pro-gay and pro-life.”   Instead of embracing me as an ally and being happy that someone outside the Catholic church agreed and wanted to fight with them on the matter of fetal rights, I was viewed with skepticism and even a certain amount of disdain.

The fact is, just as there are pro-life atheists and humanists, there are pro-life gays and lesbians, and the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians does a great job of explaining the many reasons why.   If pro-life theists turn gays and lesbians away or refuse to accept them as they are without trying to change them, is it any surprise that most openly gay individuals identify with the far more welcoming pro-choice community?   As with atheists, members of the GLBT community can either be your pro-life allies or your enemies.   I may be bad at math, but I don’t think that a movement seeking a pro-life majority can really afford to toss its would-be allies overboard.

Tomorrow is another March for Life and my open request to all pro-life Canadians is this: stop mixing the issues.  We all belong to this movement.  Please do not demand that we all become heterosexual theists abstaining until a condomless marriage before you will embrace us as one of your own.   There is more than one way to create a world that does not kill its preborn children.

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