Pro-Life Humanists

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March for Life Memories

March for Life Memories

Posted by on Jun 29, 2014 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media, Pro-Life Humanists - Updates | 3 comments

If you’re not following us on Facebook (and if you’re not, you totally should be!) you may have missed the link to this friendly news coverage and its mainstream media shout out to Pro-Life Humanists and to secular pro-lifers in general.  The video is well worth your time, I assure you! Watch as Sun News journalist Faith Goldy takes a humorous bite out of the pro-choice protesters who’d gathered to oppose the March, and hear her share her personal thoughts, as someone who used to be pro-choice:

Click to view video of Faith Goldy, Sun News Media coverage of March for Life 2014

Click to view video of Sun New Media coverage of March for Life Pro-choice Protesters; Faith Goldy Reporting

Notwithstanding the overt religiosity of the March for Life (which I’ve previously written about) Pro-Life Humanists had a great time at the 2014 March for Life, which took place in May. We met a surprising number of kids from Catholic schools who admitted they were secretly atheist, despite their Catholic school attendance – and that many of their peers were atheist as well. We were able to assure them that as they opt to come out as atheists in the future, they can still be pro-life, and that we’ll be there to welcome them as they leave the fold.

Overall, the theists at the March responded courteously to our atheist presence, with a few people even making generous donations toward our pro-life outreaches to the atheist community. Many others, on the other hand, were far more skeptical and made no secret of their disgust or disappointment with our atheism. Upon reading our fundraising handout, one woman protested: “But why do you have to bring your non-belief into this? Why can’t you just be pro-life without emphasizing that you don’t believe in God?” I explained to her that while it would be nice to just be able to talk about the preborn and the social issues that play into abortion, that we had to emphasize non-belief precisely because pro-life has been intermingled with religious belief for so long! By establishing ourselves as a pro-life group by atheists for atheists, we are allowing the debate to clearly be about abortion rather than about religion. We’re not at pro-life events to attack the faith of our religious pro-life allies, but neither do we wish to humour and entertain those beliefs when the emphasis ought to be on the preborn.

It’s unfortunate that many pro-lifers do not seem able to separate religion from pro-life action. “How about instead of bringing pro-life arguments to atheists, I talk to you about why you shouldn’t be an atheist?” one man offered. When I smiled and politely declined the offer, the man shrugged, crumpled up our flyer and tossed it into the trashcan – right before my eyes! I guess for some people there’s no real point in saving atheist babies from immediate abortion if they can’t save atheist parents’ souls from future hell. Forget about bringing pro-life arguments to atheists, I guess. Let atheists become theists and only then will they be welcome as pro-life activists. 😛

But we take hope. People are leaving religion and embracing atheism in droves – and as they start to ask questions, Pro-Life Humanists will be there to help our pro-life peers find hope and life outside the church. And once they’re out, we’ll still be there to ensure that they don’t leave behind the Religious Koolaid only to swallow the Pro-Choice Koolaid. Nearly 1 in 5 non religious individuals identifies as pro-life, and with our efforts, those numbers will only continue to grow!

Pro-Life Humanists and atheists march with nun in foreground

Pro-Life Humanists at March for Life 2014

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Yes There are Pro-Life Atheists (Part 1: David Silverman Controversy)

Yes There are Pro-Life Atheists (Part 1: David Silverman Controversy)

Posted by on Apr 30, 2014 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media | 2 comments

David Silverman

If the atheist community thought all atheists were pro-choice, they know better now.  The atheist blogosphere has been in a flurry over the past two months as secular writers, tweeters, and bloggers attempt to grapple with the existence of secular arguments against abortion.   On March 7th an article was published in which David Silverman, head of American Atheists acknowledged to a reporter  that secular arguments exist.  Although he’s made it clear that he doesn’t agree with the arguments and was merely trying to side-step a deviation from his main point, the mere nod toward the existence of non-religious arguments against abortion threw many into a very upset frenzy.

The wave of uproar had no time to recede before Hemant Mehta published on March 11th the guest-blog he’d asked me to write, which was entitled  Yes, There Are Pro-Life Atheists Out There. Here’s Why I’m One of Them.  The deluge of bloggers and commentators attempting to refute and rebut my arguments has been surprising, and at times nearly overwhelming  (especially since I’ve been traveling/speaking and coping with health challenges during the past couple months), but I’m in the process of crafting responses to the more pertinent comments and rebuttals.

If you follow Pro-Life Humanists on Facebook or on Twitter you’ve seen a number of the many responses to have come our way, and in the coming days I intend to showcase more of them. Some are worthy of rebuttals, others are worthy of a face-palm.  Among the responses was the oft-repeated idea that atheists ought not even entertain secular arguments against abortion.  Many argued that we should be shunned/ignored and given no voice in the atheist community because to question abortion rights is to question the “fundamental humanity of women”.  Others lamented “They’re infiltrating our conferences and our blogs and our forums and our magazines…”   Apparently pro-life atheists aren’t actually atheists and the “our” is theirs, not truly OURS inclusively.   (More on that in the next post.)

They're invading OUR events... sorry they're ours too

Below is a small sample of the varied blog “gems” that surfaced during the initial days of Silverman’s comment.   I’ll soon be posting the best of the comments from the rebuttals of my Friendly Atheist piece, followed by my own rebuttals to those – so be sure to check back in shortly.

And I apologize in advance to those of you with sore necks and headaches: the amount of head-shaking and face-palming you’re going to want to do in response to some of these, is probably going to hurt!


So David Silverman is getting a lot of grief over this statement at CPAC:

“I will admit there is a secular argument against abortion. You can’t deny that it’s there, and it’s maybe not as clean cut as school prayer, right to die, and gay marriage.”

He’s right, you can’t deny that there is. It’s a shitty argument based on poor facts, but it is nonetheless secular.

JT Eberhard (Dave Silverman is Not Anti-Choice)


Not all atheists are humanists, and not all atheists are skeptics. It is vastly unfortunate that a trait I thought would really help to separate the wheat from the chaff doesn’t quite do the job. There are immoral and bigoted atheists. There are atheists who believe, firmly, in the existence of Big Foot, atheists that don’t vaccinate their children, atheists that believe in homeopathy, and even atheist misogynists.
Enter Secular Prolife.
… they qualify as certifiably misogynistic. They hold that a fertilized egg is a person and worthy of certain rights, namely life. They dismiss the rights of the woman as secondary and claim a moral high ground in defending embryonic and fetal personhood. Being ignorant and/or misogynistic while being secular is very possible, if incredibly sad and infuriating.

~ Shannon Nebo, aka Secular Sunshine (What Did David Silverman Actually Say?)


If by ‘secular argument,’ you mean ‘a belief based on personal feelings,’ then, sure, there’s a secular argument against abortion. There could be a ‘secular’ argument against puppies, in that case. If you’re using ‘secular’ to mean ‘a logical, science-based, or rational’ belief, then no, there is no ‘secular argument’ against abortion. The supposed ‘secular arguments’ against abortion are rooted in misogyny, a lack of understanding of science, and religious overtones.

Sarah Mowgli  (Is There a Secular Argument Against Abortion?)


I like this next guy, even if we disagree.  He responds to Sarah’s assertion (above)

Sarah, not everything you (or I, for that matter) dislike or disagree with is based in misogyny, stupidity, or religious fundamentalism, and it’s high time people stop using the m-word as the ultimate trump card to which one cannot possibly dare to reply.

Of course there are logical, science-based, and rational arguments against abortion. They may turn out to be ultimately unconvincing, or countered by better arguments — as I believe they are — but they certainly exist.

Massimo Pigliucci (David Silverman and the Scope of Atheism)


I’m… upset that by hedging on this issue, [Silverman] gives cover to people who think he means there’s a valid, cogent argument against the right of a mother to choose whether to be pregnant… And since the only such argument that I’ve seen generally goes “science says life begins at conception because science”, “because nerves”, “because heartbeat”, et cetera, without much backing, it’s a pretty shaky argument…

… The religious arguments against abortion are all based on the idea of a soul, and even if you remove the belief in religions and souls, the rest of the arguments that remain against abortion are simply justifications, artificially created scaffolding to attempt to retain arguments that were previously held aloft on the skyhook that is God. So burn that scaffolding down. It’s made of cardboard tubes and bailing twine anyway — should be easy enough for anyone with the courage of their convictions, right?

~ Jason Thibeault (David Silverman’s “Darwin Was Wrong” Moment)


You really don’t have to scratch too far beneath the surface of all of these supposedly secular arguments to smell the stink of repressive Christian culture.  In fact, I just did a presentation in February for the Secular Humanists of Southern California on how thinly veiled secular anti-choice arguments are.

~ Lilandra (What really matters…The So-Called Secular Arguments Against Choice

Lilandra then posts a picture of Secular Pro-Life’s “For the embryology tells me so banner” and adds :

I don’t want to belabor the point but here is a photo from Secular Pro-life‘s website to just show you how they basically just spin religious arguments into secular ones.

SPL - for the embryology


My face hurts!  I’ve run out of appendages to face-palm with!  I think Lilandra’s desperate attempt at pegging pro-life atheists as “non believers that shed their religious beliefs but still harbour remnants of their former beliefs like a virus” has somehow gotten in the way of her sense of irony and humour.  Come on!  Anyone with even a cursory access to Christian culture has heard the old Sunday School song “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”  It’s clear to me, and I imagine to most people, that SPL is intentionally spoofing Christian culture.  But certainly anyone who who spoofs Christian culture is not a fully liberated atheist!  – Can I get a Ramen to that?   😛


Anyway, as I mentioned above, in the subsequent posts I’ll be sharing the comments and “rebuttals” that followed my post on Hemant Mehta’s Friendly Atheist Blog and responding to some of them.  Feel free to light your fires, and may the better arguments win.  I think the honest reader will be able to ascertain that we’ve got a lot more than leftover religion, cardboard tubes and bailing twine!

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A Pro-Life Atheist’s Video Shared With The Friendly Atheist’s Readers

A Pro-Life Atheist’s Video Shared With The Friendly Atheist’s Readers

Posted by on Feb 18, 2014 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media |

Posters advertising pro-life atheist talk were destroyed

Posters advertising pro-life atheist talk were destroyed

Congratulations to Kelsey Hazzard from Secular Pro-Life who made a nice splash both prior to and  following her presentation “Pro-Life Without God” (see video below).

After the pro-life student club she was speaking to at the University of Georgia experienced vandalism of the posters announcing her upcoming talk, (a sadly all-too-common occurrence that I’ve seen repeatedly in my decade and a half of haunting the halls of various universities), the censorship was featured in a number of print and online publications. One of these publications was The Friendly Atheist’s Blog who made a point of emphasizing his displeasure regarding the censorship.

“Obviously, those actions are to be condemned by everybody. That’s the way you respond when you have no good arguments on your side. If you really think they’re wrong, let them advertise as they wish, then dissent in a productive, meaningful way.

(Yay for Hemant Mehta! I love that kind of intellectual honesty!)

He also added:

“I’m amazed that I haven’t seen a presentation like this at any of the atheist conferences I’ve ever been to. (At least I can’t remember seeing one like it.) If conference organizers are trying to reach out to a broader spectrum of people, Kelsey seems like a natural choice for a poised speaker who has a very different perspective to bring to the secular table. Even if you think she’s way off base, she represents not-an-insignificant portion of our community. It’d at least be interesting to see the two sides of this argument hash things out in front of a crowd.

So again, congratulations to our pro-life atheist comrade from our sister organization. Hopefully the speaking opportunities will indeed be offered to pro-life atheists at future conferences! I’m currently waiting to hear back from the American Humanist Convention since their former president has recommended me as a speaker. Good things ahead for pro-life atheists!

Kelsey’s presentation:

And do go read The post on The Friendly Atheist and join in the conversation. Not all pro-lifers interacting with The Friendly Atheist community are well-versed in pro-life reason or even atheist for that matter. Let’s make sure our voices are heard!

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Atheist Experience & Non Prophets Podcasts discussing abortion

Atheist Experience & Non Prophets Podcasts discussing abortion

Posted by on Jan 7, 2014 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media | 13 comments

Feeding our new “Pro-Life Atheists in Media” category are two recent podcast episodes that raise the issue of atheism and pro-life.

In the December 1st, 2013 episode of The Atheist Experience (episode #842) hosts Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner take a call from a man who asks “why are most atheists pro-choice?”  I think you’ll quite enjoy what they have to say about the intersection of religion and culture on social issues.


And in THIS episode of The Non-Prophets Podcast, around 21:20 abortion enters discussion. (Abortion – which is a religion issue, folks!) Don’t miss the golden statement from the female host Julie Larsen, shortly after 30:30. She declares: “Yeah there’s no secular reason to be against abortion”, and one of the hosts responds that “there are arguments you can make that *pose* as non-religious arguments, to try to make it seem…”

Feel free to write in to the Non Prophets to let them know you are a pro-life atheist and why (post your response here if you wish)

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Pro-Life Atheists in Media – Our New Category

Posted by on Dec 29, 2013 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media |

In recent weeks I’ve shared atheist media and blog coverage indicating that Atheists are Asking About Abortion. And then that Atheists are Talking About Abortion Again. “Calling subsequent entries “Atheists are Talking About Abortion Again Again Again Again” might quickly get a mite repetitive, so behold our new blog category: Pro-Life Atheists in Media. Follow this link to keep abreast of new incidences of pro-life atheism being recognized and discussed.  Not every mention will be featured on the blog (some may only appear on the Pro-Life Humanists Facebook page as good reads), but ones by mainstream atheists and worthy of your response and partipation likely will.

And now for YOUR assignment:  Your mission as an individual interested in the voice of pro-life atheists is to be sure to keep the community informed of what is being said about us and when.  You can either contact me by email or you can post to the FB page if you become aware of a new article, video, blog, forum, or podcast on which pro-life atheists (or the counter claim that all pro-lifers are theists) are being discussed – whether in positive or negative light.  Sign yourself up for Mentions (Google alerts currently provides fewer hits) and watch what hits the internet and social media with with key words specific to secular/atheist/non-religious abortion/pro-life/prolife etc.  Every time someone mentions pro-life atheism is a great opportunity to say “we do exist and check out these web-sites”.    Listen to weekly atheist podcasts.  I can’t listen to them all and neither can you, so if you’re on board, let me know and we can tag-team to ensure we’re hitting them all together.  Podcasts are especially important to monitor, since not all topics raised in an episode will appear in searchable keywords.

Do you listen to any secular podcasts where the issue of abortion is occasionally raised?  Which ones?  Do you participate in any online atheist communities?   Let’s ensure we all network and connect across social media!  No pro-life atheists should ever feel alone out there!   The more we bridge forces the more closetted pro-life atheists will feel at ease about coming out, and the larger our community will become.  The holidays are (almost) over!  Hop to it, everyone!  🙂

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Atheists are Talking about Abortion (again)

Atheists are Talking about Abortion (again)

Posted by on Dec 5, 2013 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media | 3 comments

In case you missed it,
The Friendly Atheist, a well-read blog written by Hemant Mehta, author of I Sold My Soul on Ebay recently posted a video on his blog asking whether it makes sense to be a pro-life atheist. Great discussion has ensued, both on his blog post and in the youtube channel, and I’d encourage those of you who like to discuss and engage your fellow atheists to join in the discussion.

Do keep following The Friendly Atheist, since he is a friendly atheist indeed. Yours truly has just been invited to guest-blog the reasons why we believe it makes sense to be a pro-life atheist. I’ll keep everyone posted once it’s published, as this is a grand opportunity indeed. Even if it is, as Hermant so eloquently put it: “like asking you to step in front of a firing squad.” 🙂

– Kristine Kruszelnicki

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Atheists are Asking about Abortion

Atheists are Asking about Abortion

Posted by on Nov 19, 2013 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media |

question abortion

As I listen to podcasts from within the atheist community (especially ones with call-in shows), I’m reminded again and again of how CRUCIAL it is to have a visible and vocal pro-life voice among atheists.

The following are just two recent podcasts I’ve recently stumbled upon (there have been others, and i hope to offer commentary to some of the better ones), which feature atheists/free-thinkers who are calling in, unsure about the matter of abortion. Who’s going to be there in the future to give the pro-life answer to their questions? We will! (I hope! – We need to get this group funded first!)

The Thinking Atheist did a podcast on closeted atheist this week, see 17:45 – 22:41 and 25:00 where a woman called in who is still waffling as a conservative on the issue of abortion.  The host expressed an interest in doing a podcast on abortion in the new year – and yes I’ve already written to volunteer my help with that!  🙂

This one is a couple years older, though I just heard it this week. I can’t help hoping that “Jason in Denver” hasn’t already been swayed by the predominant pro-choice voice in our community and the flawed answers he received.  One thing is certain, Jason isn’t alone.   Pro-Life Humanists needs to exist – not only so that pro-life atheists have a group to belong to, but also because you and I as pro-life atheists have a unique opportunity to speak to these pro-choice and undecided men and women.  They are out there and we need to go out and find them!

Thanks for being a part of this team!

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