Pro-Life Humanists

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Prolife Outreach at Toronto’s “Imagine No Religion” Conference

Posted by on Sep 24, 2017 in Prolife at Secular Events | 4 comments

(Part 1 of 2 on the Imagine No Religion 7 Conference)

When I invited world-renown atheist writer and scientist Richard Dawkins to visit me at the Pro-Life Humanists display table, I’ll admit I didn’t really expect he’d show up!  But a conversation with Richard Dawkins about abortion was just one of the many highlights of this conference!


The Imagine No Religion conference, held June 2-4 2017 in Toronto, Ontario, began for me like most atheist conferences. One after another people stopped by the table to read the display pannels and to inquire about the secular case against abortion. Some stopped just a few moments to grab some literature or giggle over the pro-life condoms. Others stayed upwards of an hour to engage in civil and thoughtful dialogue, with several admitting they would have to give my position some more consideration.


Location of our display table varies from event to event, but I couldn’t have asked for better at this one! Immediately across the hall from the first conference room doors, there was no way anyone could enter or leave the hall without walking past the table all weekend long. At meal-time, buffet-style food trays were set up down the middle of the hall, which further ensured I could greet nearly every conference attendee individually as they waited in line for the food ahead.

Prime location of PLH booth at Imagine No Religion!

Prime location of PLH booth at Imagine No Religion!

Among those who frequently passed by the table, often stopping to banter or to point someone in the direction of our  “thwart don’t abort” condoms, was renown physicist and writer Lawrence Krauss.  Lawrence and I have built a friendly rapport over the course of our repeat encounters at several conferences. He’s still in favour of abortion (for now?) but he’s a huge fan of our condoms.  He told me his new pickup line is “Hey baby, wanna thwart?” lol!

Lawrence Krauss visits PLH table

Lawrence Krauss visits PLH table

And ever the comedian, Lawrence even gave a nod to our condom slogan when he autographed my copy of A Universe From Nothing:

If you can’t read it, it says “To not make something from nothing, thwart it!”  At least he’s admitting that a fetus is something? 🙂

"To not make something from nothing, thwart it!" - Lawrence Krauss

“To not make something from nothing, thwart it!” – Lawrence Krauss

Not everyone liked our condoms, however.  Although I never discovered who the displeased individual was, someone took it upon themselves to tear the labels off a dozen or so of the condoms.  It was surprising and disappointing to encounter the mild vandalism upon returning to the table, especially since most people were gracious and open to dialogue at this event.  I wish the individual had taken the time to make their thoughts known.  Perhaps they only like condoms when they’re given out by people who support “thwart” AND “abort”?

"Thwart don't abort" condoms vandalised

“Thwart don’t abort” condom labels vandalised


But on a brighter note, I  (finally!) got to make a face-to-face connection with Seth Andrews, host of The Thinking Atheist podcast. We’d previously discussed over email his interest in tackling abortion on his show sometime, but now that we’ve met in-person we’ve moved closer to making that happen. He said he’s interested in having me join him on the show when he deals with abortion, and he’s anticipating perhaps making it happen within the next few months… So stay tuned folks!

Seth Andrews, The Thinking Atheist with Kristine Kruszelnicki, The Pro-Life Atheist :)

Seth Andrews, The Thinking Atheist with Kristine Kruszelnicki, The Pro-Life Atheist 🙂

And now what about my conversation with Richard Dawkins?  It’s a story that deserves its own entry!   Check back tomorrow!

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Pro-Life Reason at Reason Rally

Posted by on Jun 6, 2016 in Prolife at Secular Events |


Although the attendance was lower than the projected 30,000 atheists, the Reason Rally was populated enough that a number of pro-life atheists in attendance managed to not cross paths with each other!   (Shout out to those of you who were in the crowd and didn’t manage to find me.  We’ll have to connect next time around!)

Pro-Life Humanists set up our sign at  various spots around the reflecting pool, in order to maximize our exposure throughout the day.  We handed out our pro-life condoms and literature and enjoyed great exchanges with people willing to engage and consider our position.  I even had the opportunity to interact a little with infamous Christian apologists Ray Comfort and Eric Hovind – who were curious and I think somewhat impressed that I would be pro-life despite my atheism.  I didn’t let them rope me into an evangelistic tug-of-war.




Unbeknownst to us, pro-life atheist Rosemary Geraghty from Life Matters Journal was also doing outreach at the Reason Rally.  Although it’s a shame that we weren’t able to connect, it’s great to know that she was doing outreach in a place where we weren’t.  Together we hopefully made an impact on the event!  Her summary of her own experience at the Reason Rally is well worth reading!

PLH rosemary

I followed up with my time at the Reason Rally by volunteering for the conference the following day.  As a volunteer, I was able to engage fellow volunteers in civil conversations on abortion as well as make a face-to-face connection with several prominent speakers.  One told me that she’d never met a pro-life atheist before, and that it was definitely something she’d have to give some more thought to.


Sometimes it’s all about little ripples.  One person at a time, one pro-choice argument diffused and then another…  Every conversation matters.  Even the ones that have nothing to do with abortion but that simply leave a person realizing they’ve just met a pro-lifer they actually liked.

Thanks to everyone who donated to our Reason Rally Gofundme campaign!  Quite literally couldn’t have done this without you!  Thanks for helping us make ripples!

P.S.  Meet Chip!  He’s a pro-life vegan atheist!  We met at the Reason Rally after-party and he’ll be helping us edit pamphlets in the future.  Hooray to Chip!


(For more pictures see our Reason Rally album on Facebook)

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“You’ve Changed My Mind!” Another Atheist Becomes Pro-Life At Conference

“You’ve Changed My Mind!”  Another Atheist Becomes Pro-Life At Conference

Posted by on Sep 24, 2015 in Prolife at Secular Events | 6 comments

We saw another successful weekend of changing minds and rewriting people’s assumptions about prolifers, as  Pro-Life Humanists tabled at Apostacon in Dallas, Texas this past weekend!  Meeting pro-choice atheists one-on-one for relational exchanges and friendly discussion changes minds and influences many!  I am more convinced of it with each new event I attend!  People are infinitely friendlier and more receptive to one another when we’re not hiding in relative anonymity behind computer screens!

Twitter screenshot: Zachary Moore ‏@drzach : Sep 19 Dallas, TX "Shout-out to @kruszer here at #Apostacon. Disagree with her views on abortion, but as a freethinker I applaud her willingness to debate."

[Twitter screenshot – I met this guy and we had a civil discussion off Twitter.  What we’re about!]

This weekend’s atheist conference was our fifth this year!  If you’ve missed the previous updates, here’s the brief summary:  At the American Atheist Convention in Memphis, April 2015, I rubbed shoulders with leaders, speakers, and people of influence in the atheist community such as American Atheists leader David Silverman, “Science Babe”, Tracy Lockwood, David Smalley of Dogma Debate podcast…  None of them became pro-life on the spot but they each walked away having had a friendly exchange with someone who was pro-life, and they’d been given a few reasons to rethink their views.

At the Denver Humanist convention in May I had similarly positive exchanges and conversations on abortion with leaders like Margaret Downey of the Freethought Society, Jennifer Bardi, editor of The Humanist magazine (both of whom I got to know in social settings and formed a friendly connection with) as well as with the current director of The American Humanist Society (“please tell me why you take this stance, cause for the life of me I don’t understand”) and with celebrity physicist Lawrence Krauss (whom I would meet again in Toronto in August).  Better still: five people I’d met throughout the weekend changed their minds to pro-life at a post-conference social event, as we chatted over pizzas and drinks!  Voice to voice, face to face – there’s power in that!

In Niagara/Buffalo at Center For Inquiry’s Reason for Change conference in early June, I made the existence of prolife atheists known (both in hanging out with him and other students before his talk, and during Q&A) to none other than celebrity scientist atheist Richard Dawkins!

Kristine with Scientist Richard Dawkins - Reason for Change 2015

[Kristine with scientist Richard Dawkins – Reason for Change 2015]

A short time later up in Canada at Toronto area’s Non-Conference in August, I had another exchange with Lawrence Krauss (he quite liked the prolife condoms), and had Q&A not been cut short, I would’ve been able to publicly respond to a  general challenge/accusation he made toward pro-lifers during his speech.  My conversation with Mr Deity, another well-known podcaster was also worth noting.  Event after event, our fellow atheists are learning that not all secularists support abortion, and they are hearing good reasons to rethink their slogans!

Physicist Lawrence Krauss - Non Conference 2015

[Kristine with  physicist Lawrence Krauss – Non Conference 2015]

And now that you’re all caught up, you want to know: what did this past weekend’s presence at Apostacon yield?   It began with an unsurpassable opportunity to share a restaurant table with celebrity magician & atheist Penn Jillette of the Las Vegas duo Penn & Teller (they’re also the stars and producers of a few fabulous TV series).  Penn has previously expressed uncertainty about his views on abortion, suggesting that perhaps consciousness was the appropriate line to define a human being, so I was eager to meet him and ask him where he was at now.  He was tired and didn’t say much, but he listened to another guy and I discuss for quite some time, and then he took a pamphlet and said “I’m sometimes asked whether I know any prolife atheists.  Now I can say that I  do.”  Hopefully we’ll have the chance to chat again some time.

Kristine Kruszelnicki with Penn Jillette

[Penn Jillette graciously got up from his meal to hug me & pose with me!]

Throughout the weekend I met a large number of people who were ex-Christians/ex-Catholics who told me they had been prolife up until they left religion.  They were surprised to hear that it was possible to leave faith and still be an advocate of human rights for the pre-born.   I wonder just how many more atheists are out there who have left faith only to join the team of those advocating for abortion, simply because they never met any prolifers like us during their transitional season, and instead adapted their and thinking to that of the majority of their secular peers.

One young man I spoke with had likewise been pro-life in his youth but had become pro-choice after becoming atheist.  He still had conflicting feelings about abortion but felt that development of the fetus mattered as far as whether or not it was ok to put the woman’s bodily rights above that of the fetus.  He agreed that where we are doesn’t change what we are, and I gradually helped him see that how old we are (which is reflected in how dependent, under-developed and non-sentient we are as fetuses) doesn’t either. The preborn are highly dependent and non-sentient not because they’re non humans but because they’re very young humans.  We know they’re human because of their genetic composition and who their parents are, and by the pattern according to which they are developing.  As we discussed the right to die and compared fetuses to temporarily comatose patience, the element of lack of consent (which the assisted suicide patient can give, while a fetus in his current state cannot) really struck a chord and at last he said “Wow.  I don’t have a response to that, so I guess you’ve changed my mind for now.”  I look forward to staying in touch with him and answering any future questions/arguments that might arise!  Another atheist becomes pro-life!

Kristine posing with young man who changed his mind to prolife

[I loved discussing abortion with this great thinker!  Thanks for a good dialog!]

But I’ll never forget meeting Traci.  I had stepped away from my info table for a few minutes to chat with one of the other exhibitors during a lull in traffic when all of a sudden I heard a loud shriek coming from my table.  Walking back I inwardly braced myself  in anticipation of the angry words that were about to fly my way,  until I noticed the woman was smiling ear to ear! “This is amazing!  There’s someone else who thinks like me??  I always cringe whenever speakers are cheering about abortion rights and I never realized there were others like me!  This is SO awesome!”   Traci immediately invited me to join her for diner and jumped in immediately by volunteering to help me cut the remaining labels for our “Thwart Don’t Abort” condoms.   We also discovered a shared love for Doctor Who and a mutual conviction against routine infant circumcision  (see ProLife Intactivists – there are a bunch of us!)   I love this gal!  Welcome to the PLH family, Traci!  😀

My new awesome pro-life atheist intactivist Whovian friend Traci!

[My new awesome pro-life atheist intactivist Whovian friend Traci!]

I love attending these conferences!  I see many of the exhibitors, speakers and attendees repeatedly at different events and I know that their attitudes toward me and towards the pro-life position overall have changed as a result of the ongoing relationships being forged through these events. Pro-lifers used to be evil, small-minded religious bigots to them, but now they’ve danced, eaten and hung out with one who genuinely wants to help women and their children and to create a better world.  Surely exchanges like these can’t help but make positive dents in our cultural landscape.  I hope we can continue to have this degree of impact and more!

We’re a small group (pro-life secularists, atheists, humanists, agnostics and left-minded prolifers represent a very small portion of the pro-life community) and without you standing with us, this work cannot happen.  Traditional pro-life Christians have routinely refused involvement with us on account of our non-Christian and leftist views, which means that it falls to you, our friends and allies in the more open-minded pro-life minority as well as our open-minded diversity-loving pro-choice atheist friends to ensure that pro-choice atheists can be regularly engaged on this issue and that children of pro-choice atheists can be given the chance at life.   I invite you to partner with us and ensure that this work can continue.

Each event costs approximately $1000 $1500 to attend, including conference fees, info table fees and flights (no hotels or restaurants, I travel cheap via couch-surfing and grocery stores so our money is maximized!)

We need:
– 2 trail blazers willing to contribute $100 each
– 5 troopers able to contribute $50 each
– 20 awesome friends backing us with $25 each
– 10 fans loving us with $10 each

Can YOU be one of them and help make our next conference appearance happen?  Can you be part of this novel outreach to a cultural group not being addressed in real-time dialog by any other organization?  Can you help us achieve our next conference appearance where more minds can be changed?  Any amount will help!  Even $5 will collectively matter!

You can make a contribution via paypal or credit (click the button below) or email funds to donate [at sign]  If you prefer the old-fashioned style, checks can be made out to ProLife Humanists 541 Parker Street, Gatineau, Quebec, J9H 4S3  Canada.  Contributions can be set as a one-time gift of solidarity or as a monthly building block.  Either way, we absolutely need you!

Many thanks for being a part of this!  You’re on the cusp of a new wave in both the pro-life and the atheist/humanist community! 😀

Donation button - Help us change minds & save lives within the atheist community!

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Pro-Life Table at American Humanist Convention Denver

Pro-Life Table at American Humanist Convention Denver

Posted by on Jun 13, 2015 in Prolife at Secular Events |

Became pro-life even in case of rape

Marvin, ex-pastor who became pro-life even in case of rape, over the course of a lengthy dialog


Thank you!  You’ve opened my eyes!  I never thought about abortion that way before! I always made an exception for rape but you’ve helped me see the innocent one – cause the fetus is innocent too and I never thought of that before!
– Ex pastor, recently new atheist attending his first Humanist convention

Well I don’t think it’ll change how I vote but I can’t refute your arguments and you’ve answered all of mine. I guess I’m going to have to think about this some more.
– Young man at a post-conference social

I haven’t had reason to rethink ‪‎abortion‬ in over ten years. Never thought there were any real arguments to consider!
– Pro-choice young woman


The above quotes represent just a few of those I spoke to at the Humanist Convention in Denver who walked away either newly identifying as pro-life in all cases, or whom I knew had had at least some degree of mind-change by the end of our dialog. This was my second conference attendance in 6 weeks, having recently has similar results at the American Atheist Convention in Memphis. But if I’d remained the least bit unsure of the effectiveness of one-on-one dialogue as a pro-life strategy, the Humanist Convention in Denver erased all doubt!

I’m convinced that positive human connection is unparalleled in its ability to change minds on the emotional issue of abortion. That’s not to say there isn’t much we can achieve in our writing and and online interactions (I’m a huge proponent of social media activism), but in the words of one of the pro-choice ladies I befriended in Denver (after bonding with her over an anti-waste rescue mission of a garbage-bound platter of nuts and fruit): “Conferences turn us into three-dimensional people.”  Indeed, no matter how much you may disagree with someone ideologically, it’s really hard to view one another as enemies when you’re sharing toasted almonds from the same snack bag! Friendly discussions, with gentle body language and eye contact not possible online, can take people out of defensive mode and into mutual listening mode.

pro-choice atheist at Denver Humanist Covention 2015

Stephanie, my fellow anti-waste crusader!

As with other events that involve one conversation after another (campus displays like Genocide Awareness Project, Justice for All or Choice Chain for instance) setting up a pro-life info table at a secular conference, where by my estimate close to 99% of attendees identify as pro-choice, can be emotionally and mentally exhausting — to say the least. For roughly 18 hours a day, four days in a row, whether I’m at the info table, at diner, or down in the lobby recharging my phone while waiting for the rain to let up, I’m likely to have someone ask me why I’m a pro-life atheist — I even had someone tell me her abortion story when I went to the bathroom! I know that every word I say that weekend and every tone I choose to say it in can help paint for them a new picture of a pro-life person.

pro-choice gal from Denver Humanist Convention 2015

Kimberly, open-minded pro-choice gal I enjoyed dialoguing with throughout the weekend

“You’re so serene and calm when you talk to people. I don’t know how you always stay so composed with people arguing with you all day long.”
– Pro-choice young lady

I’ve read countless pro-life books and attended fantastic pro-life apologetics workshops over my years in the pro-life movement, and all of them have given me confidence to dialog with reasoned arguments. But it was those who taught me not only what to say but how to say it, that did me the greatest favour! I’m not by nature a serene person in face of argument but I can testify to the wonders of stepping back emotionally, of smiling pleasantly in the face of insult, of making a mental effort to keep one’s voice calm and conversational, and of asking open-ended questions with the intent to understand them. I disagreed with most of the people I talked to at the conference, but I think I liked every one of them! And I hope that’s the sentiment that most of them walked away with. I want them to feel like the next time they see me, be it online or at another conference, that they will want to engage me on abortion again (as one exhibitor whom I met at the American Atheist convention was eager to do when we were both tabling this event). It’s not likely they’ll leave my table pro-life the first time they pass by, but if they leave thinking “that girl really listened to me, and we had at least some common ground” or “I disagree with her but I still like her,” then I have achieved something of value with lasting effect.

Of course, one of the best results of a pro-life presence at secular conferences is that minds often are changed. At the optional social event Sunday night (which I’ll be honest I almost skipped on account of being so exhausted by then) I ended up in an hour and a half discussion with four young men and an ex-pastor. By the end of our conversation, three of the five admitted they agreed with me and couldn’t refute my arguments, and the other two said they weren’t sure yet, but that I’d really made them think. The ex-pastor (whom I quote at the beginning of this post) was so excited and grateful for his new-found clarity that he started right then and there telling some of his friends who’d missed the conversation why they too should be pro-life! Needless to say, I got roped into another long conversation alongside him and it ended up being a late night, but I’ve no regrets!

Since becoming an atheist a little while ago I started rethinking all my views on everything. Abortion is one of those I’m still dealing with but you’ve really made me think! Everything you said made sense. I kind of want to disagree with you but I don’t think I can.
– Young man at post-conference social

Attendees of secular conferences differ from those one might meet at a typical public pro-life display, in that most are ex-Christians and many have been particularly wounded by Christianity. As such, I believe they are more unlikely than your average pro-choice individual to take the time to interact with a religious pro-lifer. That means it falls to pro-life atheists/humanists/secularists who share their common ground to reach this particular audience. As an increasing number of young adults and those of all demographics are leaving religion, many have not yet made up their mind about abortion – we hope to be there to ensure the pro-life voice is one of the voices they will hear within the secular community as they rethink their moral convictions. Won’t you please help us in that goal?

Every dollar you send our way will go toward conference admission, table fees, and flights – in fact, I even couch-surf rather than staying at the hotel, just to ensure that we’re maximizing all funds toward the essentials! With your help we can attend more conferences throughout this coming year (there are at least a dozen more we could attend, but we’re shooting for another three at the moment – at a cost of approx $1000 each). So if you love the results you’re seeing on the blog and the Facebook page, please ensure we can continue this work by making a donation below, sending an email gift to or by sending a check to Pro-Life Humanists c/o Kristine Kruszelnicki 541 Parker Street, Gatineau, Quebec, J9H 4S3 Canada. Bringing a pro-life table to a secular convention is unlike anything I’ve ever done. I look forward to many more opportunities to do it again!

Help Pro-Life Humanists get to another atheist event so the mind-changing work can continue!

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Amazing people I met at the Denver Humanist Convention 2015!

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Bridge Building: American Atheist Convention Advantages!

Bridge Building: American Atheist Convention Advantages!

Posted by on Apr 13, 2015 in Prolife at Secular Events | 3 comments

If it’s true that people are influenced by their peers and more likely to accept the ideology of those they like, then a lot can be said for taking interactions about heavy topics like abortion away from the internet and into the realm of the face to face human connection.  After all, abortion is nothing if not a deeply personal and emotional topic.   And while blogs and Facebook debates certainly do have their place, there’s only so much one can achieve through them.  My greatest take-away from my recent conference experience at the American Atheist Convention in Memphis is that it’s a lot harder to vilify someone when you’ve laughed, sang, and swapped smiles/hugs with them!  That works both ways – even with those who are currently our ideological opponents!   🙂

Thursday evening before the conference officially kicked off was a social event that I debated attending but am glad I did!  It began with what is known in geek circles as a “pub quiz” (my youth of Bible study came in really handy for questions about the books of the Bible!) and was followed by a game of Cards Against Humanity with special edition cards related to figures known to the atheist community.  Unfortunately, the CAH game was a special event for a $10 charity donation… to Planned Parenthood.  🙁

Although frustrated that an atheist event would choose a charity that is sure to not be a unanimous choice for all atheists, I decided against making a stand by leaving the event altogether.   Instead I informed the organizer and my table mates that I could not in good conscience make a donation to Planned Parenthood since the good they do in contraception and other health services doesn’t negate the harm they cause in performing abortions.  I was permitted to play without donating (though that sadly meant passing up on the special edition cards) and I’m glad I stayed.  Some of the people I met that evening ended up being those with whom I connected most throughout the weekend.

One of those individuals was David, who despite being pro-choice generously drove me to and from my host home all weekend, printed up my new brochure on his home printer, and even let me use his paper cutter all weekend.   We had some great chats in the car as we went to and from the hotel.  And though we still disagreed by the weekend’s end, our future conversations on Facebook or at future conferences might now have more depth because we connected person to person.

Singing Hasa Diga Ebowai (a song from The Book of Mormon musical) with other exhibitors during the day; and dancing, jamming and singing around the lobby piano at night (with my former debate opponent Matt Dillahunty plunking fabulously on his ukulele) are all relationship-building experiences that can’t really be had online.  We’re one-dimensional characters over the internet.  Two-dimensional at best, when we do a podcast or video.  But we’re real human beings to one another when we interact in person.  Nothing can really replicate or replace that.

Below are just a small handful of the many many great people I interacted with this weekend.   Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to snapping many pictures until Sunday (it was Easter in case you’re wondering about the bunny ears) so these pictures and accompanying stories are but a sampling of the fabulous people I connected with:

David Silverman, president of American Atheists loves the presence of pro-lifers in his community because it fosters diversity!

David Silverman, president of American Atheists loves the presence of pro-lifers in his community because it fosters diversity!

Mary, a pro-choice ally & friend I met during the Thursday social event.

Mary, a pro-choice ally & friend I met during the Thursday social event.

Picture of pro-choice ally and friend

David, pro-choice yet chauffeured me all weekend, lent me his paper cutter & printed copies of my brochure!

Science Babe, one of the speakers. Had a great talk. She's awesome!

Science Babe, one of the speakers. We had a great talk. She’s awesome!

Bishop had the table next to mine. He's open-minded when it comes to abortion. We had some great discussions!

Bishop had the table next to mine. He’s open-minded when it comes to abortion. We had some great discussions!

The lovely Tracy Lockwood, also a speaker. We discussed abortion for a while than found much common ground in our religious pasts. Definitely going to stay in touch! :)

The lovely Tracy Lockwood, also a speaker. We discussed abortion for a while, then found much common ground in our religious pasts. Definitely going to be staying in touch!

Again, I believe attending secular conferences opens doors for future dialog because people see us as real human beings who are friendly, good natured, at times silly, flirty and fun – and that we aren’t evil creatures who hate women.  Of course, none of that guarantees that someone will change their mind and support fetal rights, but at very least, forging relationships ensures that pro-life atheists will have their place in the atheist community and be given a voice.  It’s a voice that’s too long been left unheard.  It’s time to hear: we are here!!

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