
@RiteWingAtheist @SkeptikH @cacohost_bryter @milkteapolitics @TJ_onfire @Karmatrumpsgod @washingtonpost @secularprolife @ProLifeW_OutGod @PPFA @CDCgov And Ted Bundy was a good partner and step-father. So? It doesn't justify the other crap he did. All the good in the world doesn't undo all the evil.
About 2 years ago from Pro-Life Humanists's Twitter via Twitter Web App
@SwiftRunner3 @Mivasair Oh you think it's ok to take advantage of people in economically poorer countries? We shouldn't put our dollars into poor business ethics. Humans in the Philippines deserve human rights too.
About 2 years ago from Pro-Life Humanists's Twitter via Twitter Web App
@CTVNews What's wrong with these people? They already got their way when all mandates fell - then got to experience mass infection rates when their Covid won! No decent human wants "freedom" at the expense of the lives of vulnerable & immunocompromised people! #WearAMask #LongCovid
About 2 years ago from Pro-Life Humanists's Twitter via Twitter Web App
@maxinee__w @Shrillbilly @Coreythesaint39 @cosmoscro @business @secularprolife @demsforlife - We should stop deporting immigrants, pregnant or not. - There are many places worldwide where you can claim your baby for the entire tax year prior to birth. - There are bills already working on child support in pregnancy - Many jails allow incarcerated parents to keep baby
About 3 years ago from Pro-Life Humanists's Twitter via Twitter Web App
@maxinee__w @Shrillbilly @Coreythesaint39 @cosmoscro @business @secularprolife @demsforlife Kids go to job sites all the time. There are many companies with on-site daycare. They aren't expected to work just because they are at work. Fetuses won't be either. Carpool lane is based on # of occupied seats as an effort to minimize cars on the road. Nice try though.
About 3 years ago from Pro-Life Humanists's Twitter via Twitter Web App
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