Posted by on Dec 29, 2013 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media |

In recent weeks I’ve shared atheist media and blog coverage indicating that Atheists are Asking About Abortion. And then that Atheists are Talking About Abortion Again. “Calling subsequent entries “Atheists are Talking About Abortion Again Again Again Again” might quickly get a mite repetitive, so behold our new blog category: Pro-Life Atheists in Media. Follow this link to keep abreast of new incidences of pro-life atheism being recognized and discussed.  Not every mention will be featured on the blog (some may only appear on the Pro-Life Humanists Facebook page as good reads), but ones by mainstream atheists and worthy of your response and partipation likely will.

And now for YOUR assignment:  Your mission as an individual interested in the voice of pro-life atheists is to be sure to keep the community informed of what is being said about us and when.  You can either contact me by email or you can post to the FB page if you become aware of a new article, video, blog, forum, or podcast on which pro-life atheists (or the counter claim that all pro-lifers are theists) are being discussed – whether in positive or negative light.  Sign yourself up for Mentions (Google alerts currently provides fewer hits) and watch what hits the internet and social media with with key words specific to secular/atheist/non-religious abortion/pro-life/prolife etc.  Every time someone mentions pro-life atheism is a great opportunity to say “we do exist and check out these web-sites”.    Listen to weekly atheist podcasts.  I can’t listen to them all and neither can you, so if you’re on board, let me know and we can tag-team to ensure we’re hitting them all together.  Podcasts are especially important to monitor, since not all topics raised in an episode will appear in searchable keywords.

Do you listen to any secular podcasts where the issue of abortion is occasionally raised?  Which ones?  Do you participate in any online atheist communities?   Let’s ensure we all network and connect across social media!  No pro-life atheists should ever feel alone out there!   The more we bridge forces the more closetted pro-life atheists will feel at ease about coming out, and the larger our community will become.  The holidays are (almost) over!  Hop to it, everyone!  🙂