Posted by on Feb 18, 2014 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media |

Posters advertising pro-life atheist talk were destroyed

Posters advertising pro-life atheist talk were destroyed

Congratulations to Kelsey Hazzard from Secular Pro-Life who made a nice splash both prior to and  following her presentation “Pro-Life Without God” (see video below).

After the pro-life student club she was speaking to at the University of Georgia experienced vandalism of the posters announcing her upcoming talk, (a sadly all-too-common occurrence that I’ve seen repeatedly in my decade and a half of haunting the halls of various universities), the censorship was featured in a number of print and online publications. One of these publications was The Friendly Atheist’s Blog who made a point of emphasizing his displeasure regarding the censorship.

“Obviously, those actions are to be condemned by everybody. That’s the way you respond when you have no good arguments on your side. If you really think they’re wrong, let them advertise as they wish, then dissent in a productive, meaningful way.

(Yay for Hemant Mehta! I love that kind of intellectual honesty!)

He also added:

“I’m amazed that I haven’t seen a presentation like this at any of the atheist conferences I’ve ever been to. (At least I can’t remember seeing one like it.) If conference organizers are trying to reach out to a broader spectrum of people, Kelsey seems like a natural choice for a poised speaker who has a very different perspective to bring to the secular table. Even if you think she’s way off base, she represents not-an-insignificant portion of our community. It’d at least be interesting to see the two sides of this argument hash things out in front of a crowd.

So again, congratulations to our pro-life atheist comrade from our sister organization. Hopefully the speaking opportunities will indeed be offered to pro-life atheists at future conferences! I’m currently waiting to hear back from the American Humanist Convention since their former president has recommended me as a speaker. Good things ahead for pro-life atheists!

Kelsey’s presentation:

And do go read The post on The Friendly Atheist and join in the conversation. Not all pro-lifers interacting with The Friendly Atheist community are well-versed in pro-life reason or even atheist for that matter. Let’s make sure our voices are heard!