Posted by on Dec 9, 2015 in Pro-Life Humanists - Updates |

Classic facial expression of Kevin from Home Alone movie
Not another charity fund-raiser???!   Well here’s a Christmas Ball that you don’t have to attend!  In fact, we want you to stay home (or go do your last-minute Christmas shopping) – guilt-free!

We know that as much as you may want to support your favourite non-profits at this time of year, it can be a real chore to attend a special function!  If means taking a night off from other activities, finding the perfect oufit to wear, ironing it or taking it to the cleaners, driving or busing to the function and hoping you beat traffic to arrive on time for the special music (and this is especially challenging if you and your fellow members live in different states and/or countries!) and if you have kids you need to hire a sitter and worry about their transportation also!   Besides, hundreds of dollars may be spent renting a hall, buying the food, and paying for  all the pretty decorations – wouldn’t you rather see your money support the outreach work of the organization?

Pro-Life Humanists has the ultimate solution – our Stay Home Christmas Ball!  For the bargain price of $15 (ticket options available for those who are or who like to impersonate Bill Gates, as well as for students/limited income) you’ll receive a private link to a holiday playlist full of fun and zany songs, 3 holiday-themed recipes for you to enjoy wherever you are, and if you leave us your mailing address we’ll send you a lovely thank you gift just for taking part in our special holiday event!

UPDATE:  BY POPULAR REQUEST WE’VE ADDED A VIRTUAL PARTY VIA GOOGLE HANGOUTS!  Everyone who has a ticket to our Stay Home fundraiser will also be sent a link to our google hangout where we’ll have the chance to meet one another and connect with other likeminded pro-life humanists and friends!

Every dollar we receive will go toward ensuring that we can continue our valuable mind-changing work.   Every time Pro-Life Humanists sets up a pro-life display table at an atheist convention, we are flooded with people who are curious to hear the secular case against abortion.  At each event we see people change their minds after engaging in dialogue with us for a while, and who either become pro-life or who promise to give the matter some more thought!  We’re bringing pro-life into a world that is predominantly pro-choice and with your help, we hope to attend even more events this year!  Average table fees range from $400-$500, conference admission is around $300, and return airfare usually ballparks $700 (from Canada to the States).  We need to raise at least $1200-$1500 to be able to attend and change minds at an atheist conference.  Your Stay Home ticket will help us achieve our goal!

On December 19th, when you receive your special links, upload to the event page a selfie or family picture with a sign that says “I’m/We’re staying home (or whatever you’ve opted to do that evening) for Pro-Life Humanists!”   That way we can all be apart together!  🙂

Thanks for being part of our cyber-era Christmas/holiday party!  We hope you won’t attend along with us! 😀

Choose Your Ticket

Make check out to Pro-Life Humanists
541 Parker Street
Gatineau, Quebec
J9H 4S3
(let us know via email or FB so we can reserve you a non-spot)

Stay Home Christmas Ball graphic