Posted by on Jan 7, 2014 in Pro-Life Atheists in Media | 13 comments

Feeding our new “Pro-Life Atheists in Media” category are two recent podcast episodes that raise the issue of atheism and pro-life.

In the December 1st, 2013 episode of The Atheist Experience (episode #842) hosts Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner take a call from a man who asks “why are most atheists pro-choice?”  I think you’ll quite enjoy what they have to say about the intersection of religion and culture on social issues.


And in THIS episode of The Non-Prophets Podcast, around 21:20 abortion enters discussion. (Abortion – which is a religion issue, folks!) Don’t miss the golden statement from the female host Julie Larsen, shortly after 30:30. She declares: “Yeah there’s no secular reason to be against abortion”, and one of the hosts responds that “there are arguments you can make that *pose* as non-religious arguments, to try to make it seem…”

Feel free to write in to the Non Prophets to let them know you are a pro-life atheist and why (post your response here if you wish)