Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Abortion in Canada | 7 comments

Irony: Complaining about "lie

Did you know that pro-lifers only account for 5% of Canada’s population and that all national pro-life organizations secretly oppose all abortions, including life-saving abortions? Neither did I. But Joyce Arthur, prominent Canadian abortion advocate would have you believe that is the case.

Her recent article, ironically entitled “Nothing but contempt: Putting the lie to media coverage of Dr. Henry Morgentaler” speaks anything but the truth about pro-life Canadians. Bemoaning the fact that the media often gave equal voice to abortion opponents, while covering the recent passing of abortion provider Dr Henry Morgentaler, Joyce Arthur says:

“Apparently, the media thinks that view has some kind of legitimacy and must be presented against the pro-choice view in the name of “balance.” Well, NO. The anti-choice position — that women must be compelled to carry every pregnancy to term under threat of criminal law regardless of circumstances — is an extremist view held by only 5 per cent of Canadians. It is also profoundly mistaken, cruel and undemocratic. As such, it does not deserve equal time or respect in Canada. That tiny 5 per cent minority has great representation though — most, if not all, anti-choice organizations in Canada adhere to that same extremist belief. They don’t advocate it openly anymore because they know the public finds it abhorrent. But don’t be fooled — their dream is to ban abortion completely with no exceptions, the same goal as other anti-choice groups around the world. (She then goes on to highlight recent and extreme cases where pregnant women have been denied life-saving surgery.)

Perhaps Mz Arthur didn’t expect her readership to click on the link she so generously supplied to back up her claim that that the pro-lifers speaking in disfavour of Dr Morgentaler were all part of a “tiny 5% minority” that necessarily included “most, if not all anti-choice organizations in Canada”. In fact, key findings of the 2013 Augus-Reid public opinion poll tell quite a different story:

In reality, only 35% of Canadians agree with Canada’s current status-quo on abortion, where any woman can have an abortion at any time during her pregnancy, with no restrictions whatsoever. Furthermore, only 43% believe the health care system should fund abortions whenever they are requested, while 42% think the health care system should only fund abortions in the event of medical emergencies. (Currently, abortions in Canada are almost entirely tax-funded through all nine months for any reason, with exception of New Brunswick where hospital but not private clinic abortions are covered). And while 59% of Canadians say they do not wish to reopen the abortion debate, it’s important to note that only 23% of those polled were previously aware that abortion is legal throughout all nine months without restriction (a reality that 65% do not agree with).

In other words, Henry Morgentaler’s national legacy of tax-funded abortion on-demand and without restriction finds disagreement and varying degrees of discomfort and/or unawareness with a majority of Canadians. It is blatantly dishonest of Joyce Arthur to lump all such disagreements into the tiny 5% that would deny life-saving intervention to a pregnant woman.

So what are we to make of that 5% anyway? Do they indeed represent the future if Canada becomes a pro-life country like Ireland and El Salvador, who made recent headlines for their refusals to allow pregnant women to undergo life-saving surgery that would jeopardize their fetus? Is Ms Arthur correct in assuming that a pro-life country would ultimately lead to Canadian women facing similarly life-threatening fates?

In a word: no. Guidelines were in place in Ireland that should have allowed the Irish woman to obtain necessary medical attention, and I am grieved that similar protections were not in place in El Salvador. That these women were delayed or denied treatment is more attributable to malpractice than to pro-life philosophy. The vast majority of pro-lifers believe in saving the greatest number of lives, and if a pregnant woman’s life is threatened, it makes no sense to lose two lives rather than intervene and save at least one. Receiving life-saving medical care is not a privilege belonging only to non-pregnant women, and I believe that hospitals that fail to provide timely care and to save at least one life are in the wrong and not being pro-life at all. The solution is not to do away with pro-life laws and thinking, but to enact them more appropriately so that they might save the lives they were intended to save.

That said, let’s be clear that Mz Arthur’s interest in painting pro-lifers with an extremist brush, and her concern for women in life-threatening situations is not merely a concern for these women. Joyce Arthur and most of her fellow abortion advocates want to protect the status quo of abortion on demand. It is always easier to hide behind the harder cases of rape, incest, and life of mother when trying to frighten people away from debating or discussing abortion. It is certainly easier to pretend that pro-lifers are all “anti-choice extremists” with no concern for dying women when attempting to silence those who would question the status quo.

Make no mistake about it: Canadians are largely divided on Morgentaler’s legacy, and as long as free speech is still a right belonging to all Canadians, the newspapers will be more than justified to include pro-life voices. And make no mistake about it, Joyce Arthur: we’re not going away and we’re not shutting up simply because you tell tall tales about who we are and what we’re truly about.